Friday, 12 December 2014

Fighting against Prodigality

Viele von euch werden diesen Post schon kennen, mir ist es aber sehr wichtig, dass ihn jeder lesen kann. Darum poste ich ihn hier noch einmal und hoffe, dass ihr alle Englisch könnt ;)
Today I want to talk about prodigality.
About one year ago I read this blogpost from DARIADARIA. It's about our clothes getting produced in Asia where the workers don't get paid enough (not only "not enough" but much tooooo less!) just because we want to buy cheap clothes. 
It was thought-provoking and I had bad conscience. But I didn't know what to do instead; I am a student, don't have a job (well, okay, no real "money-job") and can't afford fair-trade-garments from the EZA-stores.
So I continued buying stuff at common shops just because I didn't know what to do instead.
Then, in February, I went to Berlin where the only things I bought were stuff in Vintage shops. They were really expensive, but I loved these unique pieces and thought that it was better because they didn't get produced for me, but for someone else before. I just kind of saved them from the rubbish bin.

After the days in Berlin Clarissa and I started thinking more and more about an own vintage shop. At the beginning just a big dream, it got more and more a real project - especially when I started coding an online shop for university.
At first we just searched for beautiful second hand things but soon we tried to find pieces which got produced in Europe (especially Italy, Austria and France; but some are also from Denmark, Germany and Greece) and to keep an eye on natural materials (such as wool, cotton and leather). That's not always possible but second-hand-Polyester is still better than new and "fresh" synthetic materials.

I love the work I'm doing for the shop now. I love it, because I love all the clothes and it feels better than saying people that they should buy this pullover which got produced in China and is old-fashioned in two months. 
I have to admit that I still buy a few things at "normal" "local" stores (such as underwear), but I reduced my buying habits and started to think a lot about the clothes I'm wearing. If not vintage or at least second hand than preferred DIY. Even if it is often more expensive than buying a finished product.

So, to come back to the beginning and the fate of being a student without lots of money. Besides all the reasons I've already mentioned there was another point I tried to reach with my own online shop: Fair clothes for people without much money. There are many vintage online shops but they have breathtaking prices - in the negative way. If a shirt costs 70 dollars, it can look whatever it wants to look like - I wouldn't buy it. But for "normal H&M"-prices I would prefer buying more unique and fairer stuff.
Well, this is the end of my little Think-First-Column. I'd love to hear your thoughts about the topic and look forward to hearing from you ;)

Idea, Photos and Text: Diana Ranegger


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