Es ist jetzt also wirklich schon ein Jahr her, dass wir unseren Dogdays of Summer Blog erstellt haben. Wow!
Wir waren neugierig und haben unsere Archive durchstöbert, um herauszufinden, was wir denn letztes Jahr um die Weihnachtszeit so erschaffen haben. Hier findet ihr unsere liebsten DIY-Projekte des vergangenen Dezembers – und viele Ideen, die ihr auch im letzten Moment dieses Jahres noch erledigen könnt.
It's been a year now since we've started our Dogdays of Summer blog. Wow!
We were curious and started looking through our archives to see what we've done last year in the time around Christmas. Here you can see our favourite DIYs of December 2014 – and many ideas you can try even in the last minute of the year.

You are a last-minute-gift-wrapper? Perfect! Here is a simple but effective gift-wrapping-idea that is sustainable and help you safe money while looking really great.

If you are still searching for a Christmas dessert: Here are two wonderful ideas for dinner! A vegan chocolate cream and a berry ice cream. For an extra festive look, add some pomegranate seeds to the dishes.

There's often one question after Christmas: What should we do with all the leftover cookies? One of my favourite things to do with gingerbread is making a delicious (vegan) gingerbread milkshake. It's even good with old and dry cookies!

No matter if you need a last-minute-gift for Christmas or a sustainable lucky-charm – this homemade granola is perfect as small present for all the muesli-loving people out there!
Last but not least we love our Dogdays of Summer piñata and we think it's the perfect thing for a cool new year's eve party! Instead of our logo you can make a 2016 and fill it with wonderful sparkling things and yummy sweets. Have fun!
Idea, Words: Diana Ranegger | Photographs: From previous posts
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