Sunday, 21 February 2016

Sustainable Sunday: Wooden Tooth Brush

As there is so much trash in this world we try to do everything to reduce our daily amount of plastic. In this series we will show you some cheap and easy ways to do the same – try them, every step counts! :)
The one thing (nearly) everyone of us does (nearly) every day at least once is brushing our teeth. As you should change your tooth brush quarterly you collect a lot of plastic trash – including the packaging. Thus we tried an alternative: Wooden tooth brushes!

Clarissa found her brushes in the internet, I even found some at a local retailer in our city. They cost around 3-4€ (mine was 3,30€ I think) and consist of vegan and biodegradable materials.

Positive aspects 
1. The most important thing is the sustainable aspect: You neither have plastic packaging nor a tooth brush out of plastic. If you throw your brush away you can just put it into the organic waste trash bin as it is 100% biodegradable. And healthier for sure.
2. Seriously. What's the most visible difference between plastic and wooden tooth brushes? Right! The wooden ones are looking good! No childish plastic things in shitty colours anymore, but clean and simple shapes.
3. I have to admit – you have to get used to the wooden smell. But since I've grown accustomed to it I really like it: Both, smell and taste.
4. Of course there are cheaper tooth brushes but the wooden ones are really affordable and the material definitely worth the price.

Negative aspects
1. As the bristles aren't welded they can fall out – it happened with one of the holes in my tooth brush. The others stay at their place.
2. Clarissa made another negative experience: One of her brushes started to break in half, which didn't happen to mine.

Of course wooden tooth brushes aren't perfect and they have their minor defects but they are good-looking, good-smelling and perfectly sustainable. So try it, maybe it's the perfect alternative for you!
Idea: Clarissa Kober and Diana Ranegger; Words, Photographs: Diana Ranegger
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Saturday, 13 February 2016

Valentine's Day Surprise: Red Love Smoothie

Croissants sind zu schwer für dich, zu fettig oder zu süß? Hier haben wir eine andere Frühstücksidee für diesen Valentingssonntag. Viel gesünder und trotzdem extreeeem lecker ♥

Croissants are too rich for you? Here is another breakfast idea for this Valentine's Day Sunday. Much healthier but still soo delicious ♥
Das brauchst du:

* 1 kleine, gekochte Rote Rübe
* 1 1/2 Hände voll Himbeeren
* 200 ml Reis-Kokos-Milch oder Hibiskustee für die leichtere Variante mit mehr Farbe
* 1/2 Mango
* 1 Banane
* Vanille

* Kaki
* Hanfsamen
* Erdnüsse
* Ingwer- und Lucumapulver

* 1 small, cooked beetroot
* 1 1/2 hands full raspberries
* 200 ml rice-coconut-milk or hibiscus tea for the light version with more colour
* 1/2 mango
* 1 banana
* Vanilla  

* Persimmon 
* Hemp seeds
* Peanuts
* Ginger- and lucma powder

So gelingt es bestimmt: 

1. Mixe alle Zutaten für den Smoothie zusammen und dekoriere ihn anschließend mit Kakischeiben, Hanfsamen, Erdnüssen, Ingwer- und Lucumapulver. Am besten zu zweit genießen ♥ 

1. Put all the ingredients for the smoothie into a blender and blend until smooth. Decorate it with persimmon slices, hemp seeds, peanuts, ginger- and lucma powder. Enjoy with someone else ♥ 
Idea, Photographs, Words: Diana Ranegger
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Friday, 12 February 2016

Valentine's Day Surprise: Homemade vegan Croissants

Überrasche deinen Schatz (oder dich selbst) mit hausgemachten, veganen Erdnuss-Schoko-Croissants – lecker und so einfach, dass sie bestimmt jede/r hinbekommt! (Wahrscheinlich auch etwas hübscher als meine, haha... ;)

Surprise your valentine (or yourself) with some homemade vegan chocolate-peanut-croissants – delicious and so easy, I'm sure everyone is able to make them! (And maybe a bit better-looking than mine... ;)
Das brauchst du:

* Veganen Blätterteig (sehr viele Blätterteige sind von vornherein ohne Milch und Ei)
* Veganes Schokoladenmousse oder Schokolade
* Erdnussbutter oder Erdnussmousse
* Zimt
* Viel Liebe ♥

* Vegan puff paste
* Vegan chocolate mousse or just vegan chocolate
* Peanut butter
* Cinnamon
* Loooooots of love ♥

So gelingen sie bestimmt:  

1. Den Ofen auf 200° Celsius vorheizen. Schneide den Blätterteig in Quadrate und gib genügend Schokolade und Erdnussbutter auf jedes Rechteck. Verfeinere die Mischung mit etwas Zimt.  

1. Preheat the oven to 200° Celsius. Cut your puff paste into squares and put enough chocolate and peanut butter on it. Top it with cinnamon.
2. Jetzt die Quadrate zu Croissants rollen. Wenn du so viel Füllung wie möglich haben willst, kannst du sie auch einfach falten und die Ränder zusammendrücken.

2. Now roll the squares into croissants. If you want as much chocolate-peanut-mousse as possible, just fold them instead of rolling them.
3. Die Croissants etwa 20 Minuten backen. Danach lässt du sie noch etwas auskühlen und schon kannst du jemanden überraschen, den du gerne hast ♥

3. Bake your croissants for about 20 minutes. Let them cool and surprise someone you love ♥
Idea, Words, Photographs: Diana Ranegger
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